We've been gone for about a week. I think about half of that time has been spent on the plane or in the car. We just got back from Arizona: about 11 hours of driving total. Dang, I haven't been on a road trip that long since I was about 13, since you know, you can only drive so far on an island. Something I have realized is that I am actually able to read in cars on long stretches of straight roads, which they have here, compared to the twists and turns of Hawaii. I usually get so car sick, without even trying to read, but here I was o.k. :) 

I have been reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Phil told me I had to read it before we go to Rome.  I am about a quarter of the way through and I am enthralled. Its about 600 pages. Trust me, if you haven't read this one, you should. My goal is to read Eat, Pray, Love before I get to Rome too, we'll see if I make it.

What have I done so far in my travels?

LEGO LAND- A dream for any kid who loves to play with Legos. As Phil so eloquently puts it. You take the worlds coolest toy and make a theme park out of it and you've got a pretty amazing place.

 Phil and Gabe made their own race cars and got to race them on a small race track.

This is what I made while they were racing

 They had almost every major land mark in the world made out of legos...impressive

Here is a cool video of lego marching soldiers in front of a lego Capital

 Including the worlds best movies... STARWARS

 And the world's most notable people

Even sand sculptures

But the thing I liked most, was watching Uncle Phil with his niece and nephew, he is so patient and loving.

Of course... we made silly faces while we drove

And some sweet ones too

Well, if you can believe there are more photos. Phil calls me photo happy. I guess I am. I haven't even got started with Arizona, but unfortunately the computer is not cooperating right now. So, that's all for now folks. I'll try to post the Arizona pics tomorrow.



  1. We just discovered your blog! Have a fun time on your travels!


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