I know... I am sorry

It has been a while, I admit. I am sorry. I have been on vacation this week, with my husband who is on Spring break. And guess what? This is just the beginning. ;) In about 6 hours my husband and I will be getting up in the weeeee hours of the morning to fly to California (April 19). There will we will be staying with my Sister Noelani for two weeks. While we are with her, we will travel to AZ for Easter and a family reunion. Then we will drive back to CA and from there fly to Phil's Mission, Hungary, (May 3rd), but we won't stay there long, we are going straight to Italy (My dream country to visit) :) and then to Greece (where Phil's best friend Jason is doing a study abroad), back to Hungary to visit all of Phil's best friends and favorite cities in Hungary and three weeks later we are flying back to the states, but this time to Utah (May 24),where we will stay for 1 freakin month) and visit our lovely family friends and such. While in Utah we will drive up to Rexburg Idaho for a weekend (where Phil grew up). Then we will drive back to Utah, and fly to AZ (June 21) to spend some quality time with my brother Sanoe and his family. Finally, on July 12 we will fly back to Hawaii. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!!!!!!! This is seriously a trip of a lifetime. We have planned it for SOOOO long that its so surreal that its happening. I can't wait. I can't wait to hug my nieces and nephews, to laugh with my brothers and sisters, to see sights I have never seen, to taste foods I have never tasted, to meet people I've never met before. I am going to cry if I think about it too long. This is what I have always wanted to do and there is no better time to do it :). Here is a map I made to help you visualize the whole thing better (Click on the link )


So what has been happening in my life? Besides packing that is? Well most recently, we had ward camp. Let me tell you. Ward camp in Hawaii, esp. BYU-Hawaii is not really camping, its more like going to stay at a hotel :) You are feed WELL and you are entertained to the max. This years ward camp was amazing. Here are some photos for you to get the gist, taken by an amazing photographer in our ward, Mei Mei Ying

With the semester ending, a lot of people in our ward moved. For relief society we got together to say goodbye and Melonie Graff baked and decorated a beautiful cake for us. It was so fun to get together and reminisce the good times.

 Some of the girls leaving...
 And of course, adorable Maiara.
Is it possible to hear the steel pan too much. This semester has proved no, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!  I love the sound and it never gets old. Here was our final concert.

Below is a picture of me with my dear friend Vanessa Tandiman, I am going to miss this talented, beautiful and sweet musician from Indonesia. This was our last semester playing together. She is going on a mission. :)
 Brothers :) You gotta love them, especially when they are as funny and awesome as Mike.
 My love, Phil, and my fellow steel bander, my brother-in-law Mike.
 The whole group
 My mom bought me this pack for my summer travel, that I picked out. It is perfect. Thanks mom.
 My wonderful amiga Valeria came to visit during the week break. She is so wonderful. I miss her already.
 Then this week Phil and I stayed with Mom and Stewart. We got hair cuts...
 Ain't my mommy cute? I love her so much.

Well, since I am going on vacation. I can't promise to write weekly like I have been doing. I'll put up photos when I can, but don't worry if I don't that just means when I start writing again its going to be AMAZING with oddles of photos.

Lastly, here are a few laughs for you. I got an itouch for my birthday and got an application that distorts your face. We have been having fun, if you can't tell. lol.


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


  1. How about put one more thing on ur future travel plan- visit ur student- Benson where about study in San Diego of beautiful California!!

  2. wow, what an awesome adventure ahead of you! I'm soooo happy for you! you are going to have such a great time. I can't wait to see pictures!! Enjoy some GELATO for me in Italy! You're allowed to have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner :)

  3. Haha. I like that Jaimie. Now that I have your permission, I am totally going to gorge myself with gelato, for every meal of the day. I can't wait.

    Benson, when will you be in San Diego. We are in California for two weeks. And actually we are driving to San Diego tomorrow.

  4. Oh, so jealous. You better blog the whole entire thing, girlfriend! The WHOLE entire thing.

    I definitely want to see you when you come to Utah so look me up.

    And aawwwww, I remember the good ole' dayz at TVA. I lub ward camp.


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