
Here's another post that I wrote months ago (back in January), but did not want to post because things had not gotten better for us yet. I am happy to say that things are definitely better now. Phil accepted a job at KBRwyle as a Mechanical Engineer in Clearfield, Utah and started on May 7th, we also found a beautiful home to rent in Layton. Back to the post...

Happy new year friends. It is hard for me to believe that 2018 is upon us, and yet, at times it felt that 2017 would never end. 2017 had its share of difficulties, but it also brought fond memories and many blessings. In January I went back to work, part-time, for the first time since having children. While it was hard not being able to be with my kids as much, not being able to do as many play dates, and having to rely so much on family to help, it was also wonderful. I took a job at the Springville Library and I cannot imagine a better place to jump back in. My co-workers were wonderful and I actually looked forward to having time to get away and remember that I am more than just a Mom.

When Phil graduated, I was able to take another position at the library that wasn't quite as flexible but paid more and offered opportunities to grow. I love libraries and have seriously considered a library science degree in the future.

September came and Emma started half day Kindergarten, here in Spanish Fork. She was so excited and has really blossomed as a student. However, it was hard for me to get excited about starting anything, even Kindergarten because I thought we were just going to move. It has been hard to be in limbo and not know what the future holds. I have felt like I can't commit to things I would like to do (like singing in choirs) because I don't know when we will move or where we will be living in a month or two.  And as blessed as we have been to live with my Mom and Step Dad, it was sometimes hard having to stay in their space as long as we did.

It's been a year now since we opened up about Phil's narcolepsy and over a year since Phil started a new prescription called Xyrem, that has helped him a lot. Unfortunately, Xyrem has also caused its fair share of problems. One of the less significant problems is that Phil's snoring has gotten worse, and I no longer can sleep next to him. Even with earplugs, it's too loud for me to get restful sleep. I used to be able to jostle him in his sleep until he stopped snoring. Now, on this prescription, he is so knocked out that no matter what I do, his snoring does not stop. Like I said, not a huge deal, but its hard not being able to sleep in the same room as your spouse. Bigger problems Xyrem has caused are anxiety, and also waking up nauseous most mornings. For more than a year now, Phil has not been able to eat for a good portion of the day. Because of this, Phil has lost 60+ lbs and has had his Sleep doctor threaten to take him off Xyrem if he kept loosing weight. Phil's weight, for the most part, has stabilized, but he has had to force himself to eat. As hard as these side effects have been on Phil, the benefits of Xyrem have been significant enough that Phil still wants to continue using it. He no longer suffers from cataplexy and his brain fog has significantly decreased. Phil doesn't need as many naps as he used to, and Phil credits Xyrem for being able to finish his Master's degree.

We hope nausea eventually goes away, but even if it does not Xyrem is still our best option right now. Phil earned his master's degree in July of 2017. We were both ecstatic at this monumental achievement amidst so many trials. We did not, however, anticipate the struggle it would be to land Phil an engineering job. Month after month went by without any success, not even one interview. As you can imagine, Phil started to get pretty discouraged, but we kept hoping for the best. As things continued to look less than optimistic, we decided that if the new year came and we had no good job prospects Phil would venture out of the Engineering field for a job. We were hopeful of every prospect that came, and disappointed every time they did not work out. I have never had my patience tested in such an excruciating way, but even now (looking back at it all), I can see the wisdom in God's timing for our family. Emma got to finish up her kindergarten year and we moved in June. I was pretty sad to leave my Library job (and awesome co-workers), but I am looking forward to spending more quality time with my kids and being there for them. Life is so tough sometimes, but I know when we are trying our best we are blessed, and eventually things get better.



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