Emma 9-10 Months

 Well, I guess its true. Time really does fly with a baby.  Before you know it, Emma will be turning one. It's weird to think about, and at the same time so exciting!

Emma weighs in at 18.36 lbs and she is 28 inches long.

She learns new things daily and has started mimicking a lot of our movements (an equally cute and terrifying prospect). She loves to clap her hands and give us fives. She also loves to click her tongue in her mouth (or at least try). She giggles every time she does it. So we start doing it too. Hmmm... now that I think about it, maybe its Phil and I who mimik her (instead of the reverse).  Haha. This is at least true of her screaming. I don't know where she gets it from, but since she was a newborn she has been a screamer. She does it SO much that sometimes we don't know what to do, except scream with her.

Emma is also finally starting to crawl, or rather scoot. She can only go backwards so far, but she can roll and dive forward (from a sitting position).

Emma's obsession with shoes has started early it seems. Its one of the first things she goes for when I'm not closely watching her. The only difference between us is that she would rather chew on them then wear them. Kinda gross, but very normal for her a girl her age ;)

Here is how big she's gotten...

And here are a few photos from my itouch...
Asian Emma (With Black Hair) 

Wearing Dad's new Beanie

She fell asleep in Uncle Aaron's arms while he was baby sitting her one night.

Emma with her best bud, Cousin Alex, sitting on his little couch together.

Emma rocking a fohawk 

We love our little girl!


  1. hahaha asian emma! She is such a cutie!

  2. haha love Asian Emma! Shes getting so big!!! I wish we were all in Hawaii again so they could have play :)

  3. Thanks girls! I totally agree Lisa. We all need to move back to Hawaii!


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