A Christ-Centered Easter and General Conference for kids

I'm constantly looking for traditions to start with my own family and even though I only have a baby some of these activities are things Phil and I can start doing. However, these are meant for families with children.

My favorite site for Easter traditions was this one: A Deliberate Mother’s Guide to a Christ-Centered Easter from the blog, The Power of Moms. It has a week worth of activities to do, all centered around Christ (not just the Easter Bunny). It also has ideas for gifts and decorating your house during Easter. Here are some of the images taken off this post...

General Conference
(If you are not sure what this is read my old post about it here )

My favorite site that has an activity pack to help kids to pay attention during General Conference was this one: The Ultimate General Conference Packet

And here's a link to my last General Conference post with ideas for kids: why-i-am-so-stoked-for-general-conference

You'll find things like this...

Happy Easter everyone! And if you are mormon like me, enjoy General Conference!

If you would like to learn more about general conference or just want to get in the spirit of it go here : http://www.lds.org/prophets-and-apostles/unto-all-the-world/general-conference-has-something-for-you-b?lang=eng#

Images taken from http://www.thesnailatstonestreet.co.uk/img/slides/easter-eggs.jpg and http://www.somewhatsimple.com/general-conference-activity-for-kids/


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