The Third Trimester

Depending on what type of pregnancy calendar you use, the 3rd Trimester either starts on 27 or 28 weeks. I am right in the middle of those weeks. So, I thought it would be fitting to start today.

I took some pictures yesterday...

As you can tell, at this point, I am happy, tired, getting bigger and a little bit crazed (referring to the first picture).

Here's a little questionnaire to let you know more...

How far along?
 27 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 18 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes indeed. My favorite brand is target. The pants are super comfy.

Sleep: Its getting worse the bigger I get: More trips to the bathroom, shifting from left to right side during the night, and I feel like I am a lighter sleeper now. But, Phil and I just invested in a memory foam mattress topper and that has helped a ton. :)

Best moment this week: 
Seeing baby girl from the outside of my tummy. I must admit, it's kinda weird. Sometimes, my skin will slowly rise and fall as she moves, but its super addicting to watch. When I am bored I’ll watch my tummy carefully to observe. It's kinda like spotting whales in the ocean; you never know when its gonna happen, you just have to keep your eyes peeled and sometimes you are rewarded.

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my tummy for sure, and sleeping well in general. Also, being able to run, have the option to take whatever medicine I want, or skydive (if I feel so inclined).

Food cravings: Generally milk and cereal and fruit, although, this week I had a major craving for Maori bread.

Anything making you queasy or sick:Yucky smells.

Have you started to show yet:  Obviously ;)

Gender: Girl <3

Labor Signs:
 Perhaps, I'm not exactly sure what they are, but I do get sharp pains in my pelvic area from time to time.

Belly Button in or out? 
In, but if I push on my belly at all it will push it slightly out.

Wedding rings on or off? On. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Both, is that possible :P

Looking forward to: Starting birthing classes, starting to plan a baby shower with my mom, and the end of this semester (which means I will not be working any more). :-)


  1. Haha! I love that you compared it to whale watching :)

  2. Haha You're awesome. Thanks for the Update! LOVE YOU KEOLA!!


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