Ultrasound Results

So, the results are in. A gender was determined and the baby is...


A Girl!

Here are the photos we got from the ultrasound

Phil and I are extremely excited. Especially me, since I have been kinda hoping for a girl. It's funny, because growing up I always thought I would want a boy first (since my family started that way), but it seems since I became pregnant this hope ignited within me to have a girl. The night before the ultrasound I even had a dream that we found out it was a girl at the ultrasound. So, I guess its meant to be.

On our way home, Phil and I couldn't resist picking up a few things for our baby girl. Here is what we got.

Let the spending begin...haha


  1. awww i love the stripey pants!!! sooo excited!!!

  2. Cute! Congrats! You better start posting some prego pictures soon :)

  3. Awww Soooo cute! I'm so happy for you and Phil!

  4. yay Keola!!!!! So excited for you two!!!!

  5. Oh my goodness, I am so excited to hear this!!! Congrats you guys!


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