So today is the day... hopefully. We find out in just two hours whether we will be having a boy or girl. The anticipation is killing me. I barely slept last night. So which do you think it will be?
....i'm with the mama on this one. girl :) Adam says boy, but i'm pretty sure he just thinks everyone has boys and who knows where the girls come from.
All the pregnancy books say that you should talk to your baby. They can hear you and will start to recognize your voice. I don't know why, but up until this point I have felt plain silly, sitting by myself, or infront of other people, and having a conversation with my stomach. I guess its still hard for me to grasp the fact that there is a baby girl inside of me. Well, this weekend I had a wakeup call. My baby tried to come too early. I started having regular contractions and my cervix dilated two centimeters. I am 29 weeks pregnant. She's not supposed to come until at least 36 weeks. I watched as my nurses talked to my stomach and thought, if they can do it, I definitely can. I spent the weekend in the hospital pleading with my baby girl to stay put and I prayed to God that if she didn't she would still be okay. My prayers were answered and my baby girl isn't here yet. She's safely waiting in the womb where she belongs. This whole episode has taught me a few t...
Winter is here! And in full force. Phil blames it on me. Supposedly, on the day it started snowing I sang Let It Snow and then it did . :-) Since this is my first real winter (I'm told that an Arizona winter doesn't count), I have been taking it all in: the beauty, the unbearable cold, the shivering, being able to see my breath whenever I walk outside. While experiencing all of this I've learned a few things as a first timer... 1. Don't walk around with slippers (a.k.a. flip flops) in the snow or slush. Not only do your toes freeze, but your pants get soaked and you get pretty miserable quickly. 2. Don't walk under trees with snow in them: they like to wait until you're under them to drop heaps of snow on. 3. Don't park your car under a tree while its snowing pretty hard. This could happen... luckily it didn't happen to me but I saw loads of people it did happen to. (Photo taken from
So, I feel like I should be documenting this time of growing (literally) somehow. I mean, pregnancy is after all a significant time in one's life. So instead of writing all the really little things, because there are so many, I decided I wanted to write a list of things that have changed that I didn't expect (coming from a women who is pregnant her first time). I apologize in advance if you are reading and think, TMI (too much info!!!!). 1. I didn't expect to loose weight, instead of gaining, my first trimester. Of course this is due to the fact that I really didn't have an appetite and couldn't eat before 11am in the morning or after 9pm at night. There were a lot of awful mornings and nights in that time period where I would have given anything to just keep water down. But, ya know, its true what they say, you forget about it. I mean, a month ago I couldn't physically do the dishes or sometimes kiss my husband (unless he took a breath mint) haha, ...
ReplyDeletecan't wait to hear!
ReplyDelete....i'm with the mama on this one.
ReplyDeletegirl :)
Adam says boy, but i'm pretty sure he just thinks everyone has boys and who knows where the girls come from.