Steel Canadians and Tsunamis

What a week!!!! Another tsunami!!! I say another because the last one hit April 2010. Luckily, this time we weren't living 15 ft from the ocean. However, this one decided to keep us up all night. We got the word about 9 p.m. the night before. Within about a half hour the tsunami watch was updated to a warning. The actual tsunami didn't hit until about 3 in the morning. We were evacuated to the 2nd floor of our apartment complex where we spent the night with our lovely friends, Ben and Rachel Erbe. We stayed up until about 2 a.m., watching the devastation in Japan. :( Eventually, we decided it was time to hit the sack, at least until the tsunami hit. Well, we didn't manage to wake ourselves up until 7 a.m. The tsunami turned out to be pretty small, luckily for us. SOOO... we went back to bed, in our apartment. Phil skipped his first two classes, but it was fine, because his teachers did too. I am pretty sure no one in Hawaii got much sleep that night.

A few hours later I was up and out at our Steel Pan Extravaganza. This has been in the works for months in planning so we were all praying that the tsunami wouldn't mess up these plans. A steel pan group from Canada came to jam with Shaka Steel. They were pretty wiped out from the night before, as were we all. However, you wouldn't be able to tell that from the music they played. There was just one player per part (1 lead, 1 dbl second, 1 triple guitar player, 1 bass pan player and a drummer with the director on timbales) and yet their sound was HUGE and their precision was right on. We had a concert together and it was pretty rad, if I do say so myself. We had a guest artist come as well, named Tracy Thornton, and he is easily one of the best Steel Pan performers I have heard, not to mention, the best steel pan improv player. When he started to play my jaw dropped. I bought a few of his cds. Check him out at
Thanks to those of you who came to support :)
Here's a video of us performing...


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