all of that and more
IT'S DONE!!!!!!!!!! THE PLAY IS OVER! This past week, The Winter's Tale showed at BYUH-Hawaii. I have heard many different reactions to the 3-hour play. Some found it emotional and full of depth, while others couldn't quite get into it. With the small and intimate seating it was very apparent that every night there were audience members who left at intermission. There were 88-seats available to the audience and it was sold out the last two nights. Leading up to the performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday we had intense dress rehearsals every night from 6:45-10:30 p.m. I played Dion, an assistant to King Leontes. The play had a modern take on it, so we were dressed in modern outfits. As a professional, I was dressed in an 80's Power Suit: complete with extra-large shoulder pads. Don't worry, I gave up on looking good in this play a while ago :P
Monday was March 14 a.k.a. PI day (3.14). I was really excited for this day because, first of all, my husband is a math major, second of all you get to eat pie to celebrate, and thirdly, I found these awesome T-shirts online with this picture. Unfortunately even though I ordered them weeks in advance they still aren't here. Oh, well, its the thought that counts right? At least we celebrated with Teds Pie... yum Lilikoi Cheese cake....if that that doesn't make your mouth water, then these pictures will.
I was so distracted by PI day that on Thursday I forgot it was Saint Patrick's Day. I showed up at steel band rehearsal on Thursday with no green on. Whoops, but I made it up by making these tasty cookies. They are snikerdoodles with green food coloring in them. They kinda make for funky looking cookies. Phil got home and was like "hmmm, those look....interesting." Although, I didn't notice him complaining when he ate them :)
Friday, was my Sister-in-laws Senior prom. She looked beautiful and I took a bunch of pictures at the La'ie Temple, I guess thats the Kahuku tradition. So, here is a preview...
Finally, My brother Adam and sister-in-law Meghan are back for a week before they move to Maryland, where Adam got a job for the NSA. We celebrated their birthdays with another Ted's pie, this time Haupia.
To end this blog I just wanted to share what has been happening while I have been writing this blog. So, I'm sitting here chilling with my brother Adam and my sister-in-law, Meghan.We are in my TVA apartment and suddenly we hear this loud sound of delight: a girl's voice is echoing through the entire building "WOOOOOOOOO, woooooo Wooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo." After a few minutes I open the door to see what is going on . It's a 5 year-old-girl, twisting and playing on the swing right outside our apartment. She is having the time of their life. She's been going for at least 10 minutes now. I can't hep giggling every time I hear her. I might go join her soon :) Oh, the simple joys of life.
Oh, I love all of this. Especially the swinging girl, and the Ted's Bakery Pie, and PI and adam and Shakespeare and prom and the temple. I love all of those things.
ReplyDeleteAnd I really appreciated your comments on my blog last week. They MADE. MY. DAY.
So nice to be missed!