sick as a dog, but hopefully better smelling :)

There is nothing worse than cheep and rough toilet paper for a nose that just won't quit running. I finally broke down and bought the good stuff: Ultra Soft Kleenix tissues with aloe lotion. It's like butter, it's better than butter. My nose is recovering, as is my body from a pretty intense cold. Thank goodness for Nyquil. Well, Adam and Meghan have officially left Hawaii. They are in Maryland now :( :) I had to put a sad face and a happy face because I am sad they are gone and SO FAR AWAY, but I am so excited for them and the new adventures that await them there. So, lets see, what else has happened lately. Oh yeah, today I got called as my ward Relief Society President. Yeah. Phil was so kind as to announce to his family this evening at dinner, "Everyone, Keola, has some exciting news for you." Thus implying that I am pregnant, because apparently that is the only exciting thing that happens to married people. Everyone snapped their heads towards me wi...