
Photo Credit to mrosephotography- Meghan Harrison
Things are changing around these parts: the weather, our apartment, Phil's research, my body, etc... I'll be 36 weeks pregnant this Saturday and I guess prepping for this new baby has got me thinking, its time for a change with my blog. I've updated the look and I changed it back to public so that anyone can access it. I want to do better blogging this year than I did last year (mostly because its such a good way to document my life and I know I'll appreciate it later).

Well, it's summer, thank goodness (despite the freak weather that has recently hit Utah, yes it snowed JUNE).

We moved to a new apartment. Let me know if you want the address.

Phil recently changed research projects and professors. The professor he was working with decided to transfer to a different university. This means Phil had to essentially start over with his research and master's thesis. He was previously working on a team that researched human vocal chords and now he is researching the aerodynamics of freight trains. Although stressful, this change I believe is a good one and relates more to what Phil wants to eventually do.

And my body, yeah, that is obviously changing, but I'm hoping that it will change back pretty quickly after this baby boy comes. To ensure this I'm planning on doing a 5K with Phil a few months after baby boy comes.

Having a baby boy is gonna be quite a change, not only will going from one kid to two be a new and challenging experience, but after reading this little gem, an article called "Your Penis Won’t Fall Off And Other Things Boys Should Know," (this is actually a really funny article, I hope I don't offend anyone) I realized that having a boy will present a whole new list of challenges. One of them being convincing my son he doesn't need to touch his penis all the time. Emma, for the most part has been such a chill, sweet, and loving little girl. Having a boy is going to be different: I'm going to have to get used to dodging a stream of pee coming at me every time I change a diaper, I'm going to have to get used to chasing around an energetic and rambunctious little guy who will probably run faster than me, and I'm going to have to get used to a boy who probably will love getting dirty (in contrast to my little Emma who freaks out whenever she gets dirt or food on her). Then there's the whole circumcision thing. I don't know about you, but for me deciding whether or not to cut part of your child's penis off is kind of overwhelming decision and it doesn't help if you and your husband have differing views.

All of these changes and challenges I am of course looking forward to and I know that this little boy is going to steal my heart, however, if anyone has any suggestions for raising little boys I'm all ears.

I am predicting that this boy will make his debut in the next two weeks. I've been having a lot of pain and contractions lately and Emma came just before 38 weeks, so hopefully he will follow suit. After having to lay down most of the day yesterday, because of contractions, I decided I'd better pack my bag to the hospital. Here's the coming home outfit I chose for him. My friend Kaytie made it for me. I love it! It's a word play on the changing table name Koala Kare, and its perfect because my friends call me a koala...for obvious reasons.

Here's the most recent picture I've taken of the belly bump, from a few days ago. Things are going great, nothing really to complain about. Love to you all,


  1. Yeay! I was so delighted to see you go public again! (I'm a friend of Phil's, we were in the same group in the MTC.) GOOD LUCK with your decision about circumcision, it's definitely a very hot topic. We have two boys and did not circumcise either of them (nor will we any others we have in the future)--it was a pretty heated debate in our home (he was for it and I was against it) and we honestly hadn't settled on anything before I went into labor so when we got to the hospital the nurse asked if we were going to, I just looked at my husband and he answered, "No." Then he looked at me and said, "He can just get it done himself if he wants to when he's older." It was one of the most tender moments of our marriage, believe it or not!

    Boys are different from girls (our oldest is a girl, then two boys and we just had another little girl in April)--they are rowdy. And LOUD. And dirty. But they are also so very lovey. Both of our boys are so much more affectionate with me than our daughter ever has been. I LOVE it.

    You look amazing!

    Sok szeretettel:

  2. Boys are so fun (other than the peeing on you and themselves and the wall and the floor etc. when you change their diaper-that will happen to you quite a bit) so don't stress too much. And for me, having my first baby was way harder/stressful than having my second. I kinda knew what I was doing the second time around and Emma will help entertain him and be a great helper I'm sure, which also takes a little stress off of you.

    We had both of our boys circumcised. Their dad is, and as Spencer gets older and starts asking questions I direct those to my husband since he knows better than me and I wanted them to have that in common. Both my boys were also tongue tied (congenital oral anomaly caused by a membrane connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth,which may decrease mobility of the tongue tip and can affect feeding, speech and oral hygiene) So I had their tongues clipped and them circumcised at the same while we were at the hospital. It was sad, but they both got over it very quickly and in the end I'm glad I did it.

    Good luck with everything- Love you!


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