So, I feel like I should be documenting this time of growing (literally) somehow. I mean, pregnancy is after all a significant time in one's life. So instead of writing all the really little things, because there are so many, I decided I wanted to write a list of things that have changed that I didn't expect (coming from a women who is pregnant her first time). I apologize in advance if you are reading and think, TMI (too much info!!!!). 1. I didn't expect to loose weight, instead of gaining, my first trimester. Of course this is due to the fact that I really didn't have an appetite and couldn't eat before 11am in the morning or after 9pm at night. There were a lot of awful mornings and nights in that time period where I would have given anything to just keep water down. But, ya know, its true what they say, you forget about it. I mean, a month ago I couldn't physically do the dishes or sometimes kiss my husband (unless he took a breath mint) haha, ...