Guess What?

My grad school application is finally in! Yay! This has been a lot of work, but mostly its been really fun to work on. I forgot how much I missed school, and how much I enjoy working on academic pursuits. I want to publicly thank my sis-in-law Meghan Harrison. We were English majors together at BYUH and she helped me out a TON. She read and helped me edit everything: personal statement, writing sample, resume, etc… She's my hero. Thank you Meghan! Now, I just have to wait.

Oh yeah, I guess its time I tell you…

 I'm pregnant. Haha, yup. There it is. You may be thinking, "Wait, didn't you just apply for grad school?" Yeah, I did. And yes, I am crazy. Phil and I decided we didn't want a HUGE gap between Emma and the next baby to come along. So, we made the decision to try to have a baby before I would (potentially) start grad school. I know my limits, and being pregnant and most likely on bed rest while in school was out of the question. If I get into the program, I will deliver roughly a month before school starts. We'll see what happens. Honestly, at this point I'll be happy with whatever the outcome is: school or no school. I definitely want to get my masters though, and if it doesn't happen now, I'm thinking perhaps an online masters program is the way to go. 

Baby is due July 19. We are very excited for this new adventure. We don't know the gender yet, but I'll be sure to share when we find out.


  1. Thanks for giving me the chance to pretend I was back in school :) Can't wait to hear the results...I'm proud of you either way!

    And also so excited for another cousin the same age!!!

  2. Keola!!! Yay!!! So excited for you! Here we all go with round 2 :)

  3. Sorry this comment is like 2 months later but congrats on everything! I've been missing school too! I'm going to start again after Steve graduates in October and I was really scared. (I haven't done school in a long time and never with kids) Reading this majorly inspired me to go for it anyway. Thank you and good luck with everything!


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