The Kinghorn Update for October 2013

If you didn't notice, I took a break from blogging for the entire summer. It was glorious. Sometimes you need to live life without taking too much time to document it. We spent lots of time enjoying the warm weather and now we're back to life, whatever that means. Phil is back in school (starting year 2 out of 3). Fall is emerging and I love it. I'm planning to go play in the piles of leaves as soon as they start falling. Phil turned 27 last month and I turned 25 in April. I'm starting to feel old. What's new with us you may ask? Well, Phil has found a new hobby: building planes. He is obsessed with it, and its pretty impressive, if I say so myself. He's always loved planes and has wanted a remote control airplane, but they are WAY to expensive, so he's putting his engineering skills to work and has started building them himself.

Here's a video of the first plane he built. He has since built another and is currently working on his 3rd plane.

As for me, I decided to awaken my dormant musical skills and audition for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Don't get too excited; I didn't make it. But, the experience was great and I learned that age old lesson: Don't run before you have strength to walk. I definitely needed more practice to be good enough to get into the MoTab. So, I have joined two community choirs: The Wasatch Choral and The Utah Valley Millennial Choir. They are both really great choirs and I'm enjoying having something for me to do, outside of the home. I'm really grateful I have a supportive husband who encourages me to reach for my dreams. Not to mention awesome friends, like Eliza Hanza Hayden, who helps us out by watching my little Emma while I attend one of my practices. Thanks Eliza! I'll be sure to post pictures from my concerts. 

In other news, I am applying to get my masters at BYU in English Literature for the Fall 2014 semester. This has been quite a tough decision for me to make being a mom and all, but I've felt inspired to apply so here we go. Lately, i've been super busy studying for the GRE, which I will take in November. I've got lots to do.

Our little family has been very blessed and I'm grateful for such wonderful extended family and friends who look after us. 

Oh, I almost forgot, Emma :) There's always lots of new and exciting things to tell about Emma. The biggest probably is that she is now walking. She's a very independent girl. She loves to talk on the phone and her favorite song right now is If You're Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands. She is SO big, it blows my mind. She really is a little person. I love her more than I can say.

Have a happy Halloween everyone!
The Kinghorns


  1. Keola!! That's so great you're getting your Masters!!! And so glad you've join those choirs! That will be such a neat experience! Phil's plane is WAY cool and I bet the others are too!! That's pretty amazing -- he is so smart! Emma is just a doll!! I need to see her before she's a teenager! Happy Halloween to you too!!! Wish you could come and visit!!

  2. Keola, you are so beautiful and amazingly wonderful. Phil and Emma are blessed!
    Aloha, Mom

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  4. So fun! Glad you're enjoying your family and doing some things for you. I told Steve as soon as he graduates I'm going to back to school even if it's just part time. So way to go on the Masters! It'll be good not only for you but for your kids as well. Even though my mom was a stay at home mom most of my life I still feel like her having an education was a huge blessing to our family.


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