
I never wrote about my delivery after I gave birth to Emma. I never wrote those heart-warming posts about motherhood that I read from all of my fellow mother bloggers. I didn't exactly want to put all the intimate details about delivery on a blog for everyone to read (maybe one day), but motherhood, thats something I can and have been wanting to write about for some time now. So, here it goes.

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful and difficult things I have ever experienced. It's definitely worth it, but I'm not gonna lie, there are some days that I miss my freedom. Somedays I just want to get out of the house and run FAR away. But, then I hear my baby girl giggle or look down at her as she cuddles against me and I take it all back. 

Nothing can quite compare or prepare you for motherhood, but if I had to give you one piece of advice,  for those of you who haven't had children yet, I would have to say it helps if you throw everything you know and or expect about motherhood out the door. And don't compare yourself and or your baby to anyone else. Just accept every moment as a gift and a lesson. 

Newborns take a lot out of you, but they get more animated and fun to play with every new day. I think God knew we had to experience newborns before we could appreciate toddlers. And we had to appreciate toddlers before we could handle and understand how to mercifully reprimand our children and teenagers. He knew we had to re-experience being a kid, relearn how to play, and remember how to find the simple joys in life. 

Phil LOVES to play with Emma. I do too, but sometimes my patience runs out quicker than his does. It probably has to do with the fact that I stay home with her all day and he only gets to be around her mornings and nights. I have to get creative to find new things to do with her. Emma's favorite game right now is to turn the bathroom light on and off. It is so cute to see the surprise and delight on her face as she learns simple lessons of cause and effect. It's so interesting to see the world through the eyes of a baby: everything is new and exciting. Motherhood has taught me that we need children just as much as they need us. There is purpose in the plan.

So when you are having a rough day as a parent, whether you are a mother-to-be or a struggling mother of 5, take a breath and try to see your children through God's eyes. And if you don't believe in God, see your children for what they are: a miracle!

Here is a video tribute to mothers I happened upon. I may or may not have cried when I watched it. Fair warning!

or go to to watch it on youtube.

P.S. I 'm pretty sure I have the BEST mom in the whole world. LOVE YOU MOM!


  1. I wouldn't trade anything for the blessing of raising you. You are a wonderful daughter.
    Love you much!


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