Why I am so stoked for General Conference and more

I was about to post something about Emma (she's 5 months which means its time for another post, don't worry that will come soon), but I thought, no, I want to talk about something else. I have a life besides her and it is high time I posted something else. So, here it is. 

General conference is this weekend and I'm so excited. Especially with all of the political drama that has been happing. I can't go on the internet without reading something about it all. After I watched the debate last night and did a bunch of reading about Romney and Obama I felt a little defeated. Defeated because there are lies on both sides. Then, I realized that this weekend was General Conference and I felt hope. This is EXACTLY what I need after the debate. I need truth. I need inspiration. And I know that while listening to General Conference I will get both. I will get peace and reassurance that there is still good in this world. 

I realize that everyone reading my blog may not be Mormon so for those few let me enlighten you quickly. If you googled "General Conference" a web definition definition from Wikipedia would show up at the top of the page saying  "general conference is a meeting for all members of the church for conducting general church business and instruction." 

This is not false, but a General Conference is so much more. For a Mormon it is really exciting. It is a time where we gather to listen to men we believe talk to God. It is as exciting as if we were to listen to Bible prophets such as Moses or Abraham. And it is SO exciting because the things they are saying to us are for us. The Lord cares about us and knows that we need help. We need direction. This is where we receive it (as well as through personal prayer and revelation).

 On LDS.org (The official church website) they we read...

What is general conference?

"General conference is a semiannual gathering of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. During general conference weekend, Church members and others gather worldwide in a series of two-hour sessions to receive inspiration and instruction from Church leaders." 

So basically for 8 hours in one weekend (twice a year), we will receive instruction from men and women called of God. Here are some cool facts about it and how many people watch it.

I have grown to love General Conference, but this wasn't always the case. General Conference wasn't always as exiting to me as I'm making it out to be. I mean, when I was a kid I drew pictures and played games during it. It is hard for a little kid to stay put for 2 hours (at a time) and listen to old men and women talk about things you don't quite understand. I was just talking to my sister about it. She has two older and very active children. So for those of you who have kids who need some occupying during these 8 hours here are some cool things I have found to help.

1. On the blog Somewhat Simple  you can download a pdf with activities and games that center around general conference so that they will pay attention.

2. On Our Family Blog Jen had a great idea to make a "General Conference Center Board" where children can update the board as conference goes on. I am totally making one of these in the future. Heck, I might make one now for me :)

They have compiled activities for all ages (nursery, primary, youth, etc..)
Here is an example of a youth worksheet.

4. The blog a year of family home evenings has also complied activities for all ages. This one also has a  ton of coloring templates like this one...

5.There is also food storage... and beyond which has similar packets and worksheets.
6. And here is a really cute booklet from Deseret Book that you can print off and give to your kids.
Enjoy General Conference everyone and remember...
"You show your trust in [God] when you listen with the intent to learn and repent and then you go and do whatever He asks. If you trust God enough to listen for His message in every sermon, song, and prayer in this conference, you will find it. And if you then go and do what He would have you do, your power to trust Him will grow, and in time you will be overwhelmed with gratitude to find that He has come to trust you."
—Henry B. Eyring

For more information about general conference or to view the above image more closely go to...


  1. Well said my friend! It's true, general conference isnt something that i always have appreciated like i should, but it is great, and im still learning to love it. Im especially excited for this weekend, because im in desperate need of direction, motivation, and everything else, and what better place than conference to get it?! I love the statistics and facts table insert thing too that you added, that was pretty cool :)

  2. Yay for G.C.! How amazing was this last one?? Also, I want that General Conference Center Board! I can't wait till Eve is old enough to do stuff like that. I've been pinning lots of church activity books etc. Anyway, let's get together soon! Love ya!

  3. Hey Cuz! I just discovered your blog and will be stalking you from now on :). Those are some super cute conference ideas. I will probably steal some. I totally agree with you about the politics. As much as I love this country and am proud to vote each year for local and federal leaders...I cannot wait until this election is over. They are fighting dirty on both sides and I don't like it. Loved General Conference. It was nice to feel peace in so much turmoil.-Katie


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