My Life With Emma: 2 Months

 I know I haven't written in a while, but I have very good reason. She has two big blue eyes, blond with what seems at sometimes a tint of red fuzz, chubby cheeks, rolls of fat on her arms and legs, the most beautiful little hands, and the softest skin you could imagine. Her name is Emma, and my life is now consumed with her. It's like a marriage. You have good moments and bad moments, but the bad are definitely worth the the good ones (especially when the good include the darn cutest smile you have ever seen). I love her. So does her Daddy.

The past few two months I have barely had time to eat, sleep, or eat, let alone write a blog post. I seriously have to remind myself that if I don't eat she's not going to get enough nutrition. So, even if it means letting her cry in her crib, I have to take sometime to myself. In those precious moments she's napping, if I have energy, I jump up to get something done. How do moms do it? I've never imagined something so difficult. It's physically and emotionally draining, and yet, it's something I wouldn't trade for the world.

I was surprised by a few things after delivery. For example, breast feeding wasn't as easy to catch on to, or as painless as I thought it would be. Sleep was a rare commodity. Somedays, I felt as attractive as a drag queen. My hair was in all sorts, and makeup... who has time to time to put on makeup? Yet, my husband loved me and constantly reminded me that I just had a baby and I looked amazing. Bless his soul for lying. :) 

Anyway, enough about me. Let's get to the subject everyone wants to hear about: Emma.
She has grown a TON in the past 8 weeks. It blows my mind. She was born 6 lbs 15 oz. At one month she was 10 lbs 7 oz. Now, at two months she is 12 lbs 3 oz.

Here is a comparison photo.

In the past bit we have walked a lot, gone shopping a grand total of 2 times. Played a lot. And, last week, at 7 weeks, we took her to the beach. Here are some photos.





Here's a video of us putting her feet in the water. She didn't like that so much. 
Needless to say, she was happy to go home

Emma is sleeping so much better than she was at first. On June 11 (just over 6 weeks old) she slept through night for the first and only time. I remember cause it was the best night I've had since birth. Haha.

About two weeks ago she started smiling and giggling. This is the BEST part of motherhood.

Emma is blessed with so much wonderful family and aunties and uncles, both related and unrelated. I am always amazed at the instant love that everyone has for her. I swear if people loved each other the way that they instantly love babies, this world would be heaven on earth.
Grandma and Grandpa Kauwe

We celebrated Phil's first Father's day last Sunday. It was a surreal experience to again remember that WE'RE PARENTS. I made a card with this photo for him.

Who does Emma look like more? Well, my opinion changes everyday. So, I'll let you decide.

I swear I take a million photos of Emma. So I won't bore you with all the ones I think are cute (which are all of them.. yup totally a mom), but here are the best. She makes the funniest faces.


  1. How fun! You are amazing Keola! And you look so good! I'm so so happy for you! Love and miss you!!!

  2. I love her faces too! She is going to have so many fun photos to look at when she is older. I recently looked at my baby photos, and had so much fun! I am so glad she is smiling and laughing at you, you deserve it!

  3. I love her little faces! She's so gorgeous. :) We miss you guys!

  4. lol at her faces! sooo crack up. Im jealous she got to go to the beach, Kohana went in the kiddy pool and hated the water haha but loves bath time. aww Emma is getting so chubby, love it! Wish we were there so we could have play dates =)

  5. ohhhhh she is adorable!!!! and you look GREAT! love your long hair. :) just so excited for you guys.


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