Baby Shower

A bit ago, in the beginning of March, my darling mother threw me a baby shower. It was a blast.
Here are the invites we handed out...

And here are the decorations...

All the lovely people

One of the games we played, sculpting babies out of play dough (these are the winning creations)

 And PRESENTS :) Thanks everyone who came and for the presents. It was a blast!



  1. Looks so fun! She is going to be a fashion diva :)
    My favorite picture is the "most disturbing"! haha so funny!

  2. Cute cute cute! I'm loving spring colors and baby girls! I'm so excited that you guys are moving here!!! Where will you live? We are on-campus and it's really good. We have awesome neighbors and the ward is great. Either way, we'll have to meet up. Well, keep me updated please. I am due the week before you, but who-knows, everytime I go to the Dr I get either a new due date or they tell me I'm X weeks along (which is always less than before) haha!


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