The Perks of Bed Rest

Since my pregnancy took an interesting twist and I found out I was at risk for pre-term labor, my life has changed a bit: no more exercising (not even walking...tear), lots and lots of doctors appointments, 2 emergency runs to the hospital, and lots more time to just sit. It's been a difficult and strange adjustment, but it does come with its perks.

1. My husband helps more around the house, takes care of me (including yelling at me when I'm on my feet too much), and pretty much has become my personal slave. ;) Whatever I need, all I do is ask him and he gets it for me. He's the best!
2. My neighbors, friends, and family check up on me all the time to make sure i'm OK.
3. My sweet mother-in-law helps with my laundry.
4. I have more time to read, watch TV, and grade papers (which I love to avoid at all costs).
5. I get to sit on this great swivel chair while I teach my class and roll around while I teach.
6. I get hooked up to a monitor once-a-week to check contractions and baby's heart beat. So I get to hear my baby girl's heart beat lots. It's so fun.
7. Every week my baby doesn't come is a mile marker for me. I'm 32 weeks now. I just have to make it 3 or 4 more weeks and my baby will be OK if I deliver early.
8. My mom came out to stay with me during her spring break and helped me with a bunch of stuff.
9. I have had a ton of ultrasounds, below is a picture I got from my OB last week. I have another professional ultrasound this week to make sure my baby is growing right. I'll post pictures soon.
Here is her head, and you can see her eye.

Thanks to everyone who has made this experience not just bearable, but enjoyable at times.  :)


  1. I'm glad your being so positive! So exciting to think just 3-4 more weeks and you get to meet your little girl! She is going to be so cute, her picture is darling!

  2. Cute little thing! Glad you get to see and hear her so often - it's so reassuring! And I'm so glad you have so many people who love and care for you and your girl :)

  3. glad you have such a sweet personal slave to take care of you :) we will keep you in our prayers! take care of yourself pretty woman! love you


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