Happenings Inside of Me

My girl has been moving...finally. I didn't start feeling her until about 22 or 23 weeks, which is later than most people do. And when I finally did start feeling her, it wasn't flutterings or butterflies, it was kicks and punches. I guess my girl has some spunk. I can't see her moving from the outside of my stomach yet, but 
the most exciting thing happened last weekend.  Phil felt her. :-) 

We were sitting in a theater watching a new movie and I was pigging out on some popcorn, when suddenly she decided it was time to dance. I had never felt her move that much. So, I grabbed Phil's hand and placed it on my stomach. He concentrated for a moment and then suddenly his eyes got wide. He felt her for the first time. We both smiled at each other, happy that we could share this amazing thing: the creation of a mini us. 

So I know all of you are wondering, what does it feel like?

When Phil felt it (obviously from the outside) he said it felt like heart beats, but not consistent. 

As for me, it always catches me off guard. It's the weirdest, most surreal thing I've ever experienced. Just imagine, having a foreign creature moving inside of you knocking on the inside of your belly to get out. "Not yet sweets...not yet." I heard someone say it feels like " a tap-dancing octopus wearing football boots" and thats not far from the truth. I can't always tell what is her foot kicking me or her hand punching me. But, she loves to sit on my bladder, making me think that I always have to pee. 

Here I am at 6 MONTHS/ 24 weeks! Yay. 4 months left.

May is looking closer and closer all the time.


  1. Keola!! isnt it so weird to feel her move?! but so cool! Your post was making me teary eyed haha you look so good pregnant =)

  2. You are such a beautiful pregnant woman! Love the descriptions :)

  3. Thanks girls. I decided to only take pictures when I look decent to keep my self esteem up...haha. Most mornings I don't look so great, lol.

    Lisa, YES! It is the craziest thing thing to feel her move, but one of the most assuring because I know she is doing ok as long as she keeps moving.

  4. This is so cute! Great description.


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