So, we're back in Hawaii and it is lovely. The humidity takes some getting used to, but it is totally worth it. Life has sorta just taken over everything, as it often does. Work seems to occupy most of my time. Then, when I am not working, Relief Society duties seem to suck me in.

So, here is a bit of what I have been up to since coming back to Hawaii...

Goodbye Party for Miles

Here is my wonderful Relief Society
Here is the most hard-working and wonderful missionary couple in the world, The Barkers. They just left and We miss them.
I saw the final Harry Potter Movie, with the REAL Harry Potter

Harry with the fans ;)

 Here was my lovely start to our year and a half anniversary. 

A few of my Asian boys (Work)
My co-worker who the keeps me sane, wonderful Sherie,  she is awesome.

My best class this summer!

And  below are the perks of my job...


  1. Is one of your Asian Boys Ka Shing Chan from Yuen Long Hong Kong? 3 others look familiar, however I don't know/remember their names.

    Glad to see that Michael hasn't lost his touch of Harry Potter mania. Did he ever win that contest he was in?

  2. Sarah, I teach English and tour around Asian kids, mostly from China. Andrew, I don't know their real names, we used their English names :P And yes, Michael did win that contest he was in. I don't think he will ever loose his obsession with Harry Potter. haha.


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