Guess What?

My grad school application is finally in! Yay! This has been a lot of work, but mostly its been really fun to work on. I forgot how much I missed school, and how much I enjoy working on academic pursuits. I want to publicly thank my sis-in-law Meghan Harrison. We were English majors together at BYUH and she helped me out a TON. She read and helped me edit everything: personal statement, writing sample, resume, etc… She's my hero. Thank you Meghan! Now, I just have to wait. Oh yeah, I guess its time I tell you… I'm pregnant. Haha, yup. There it is. You may be thinking, "Wait, didn't you just apply for grad school?" Yeah, I did. And yes, I am crazy. Phil and I decided we didn't want a HUGE gap between Emma and the next baby to come along. So, we made the decision to try to have a baby before I would (potentially) start grad school. I know my limits, and being pregnant and most likely on bed rest while in school was out of the question. If I get into t...