Why I am so stoked for General Conference and more

I was about to post something about Emma (she's 5 months which means its time for another post, don't worry that will come soon), but I thought, no, I want to talk about something else. I have a life besides her and it is high time I posted something else. So, here it is. General conference is this weekend and I'm so excited. Especially with all of the political drama that has been happing. I can't go on the internet without reading something about it all. After I watched the debate last night and did a bunch of reading about Romney and Obama I felt a little defeated. Defeated because there are lies on both sides. Then, I realized that this weekend was General Conference and I felt hope. This is EXACTLY what I need after the debate. I need truth. I need inspiration. And I know that while listening to General Conference I will get both. I will get peace and reassurance that there is still good in this world. I realize that everyone reading my blog may not be Mormon...