My Life With Emma: 2 Months

I know I haven't written in a while, but I have very good reason. She has two big blue eyes, blond with what seems at sometimes a tint of red fuzz, chubby cheeks, rolls of fat on her arms and legs, the most beautiful little hands, and the softest skin you could imagine. Her name is Emma, and my life is now consumed with her. It's like a marriage. You have good moments and bad moments, but the bad are definitely worth the the good ones (especially when the good include the darn cutest smile you have ever seen). I love her. So does her Daddy. The past few two months I have barely had time to eat, sleep, or eat, let alone write a blog post. I seriously have to remind myself that if I don't eat she's not going to get enough nutrition. So, even if it means letting her cry in her crib, I have to take sometime to myself. In those precious moments she's napping, if I have energy, I jump up to get something done. How do moms do it? I've never imagined something...