Happenings Inside of Me

My girl has been moving...finally. I didn't start feeling her until about 22 or 23 weeks, which is later than most people do. And when I finally did start feeling her, it wasn't flutterings or butterflies, it was kicks and punches. I guess my girl has some spunk. I can't see her moving from the outside of my stomach yet, but the most exciting thing happened last weekend. Phil felt her. :-) We were sitting in a theater watching a new movie and I was pigging out on some popcorn, when suddenly she decided it was time to dance. I had never felt her move that much. So, I grabbed Phil's hand and placed it on my stomach. He concentrated for a moment and then suddenly his eyes got wide. He felt her for the first time. We both smiled at each other, happy that we could share this amazing thing: the creation of a mini us. So I know all of you are wondering, what does it feel like? When Phil felt it (obviously from the outside) he said it felt like heart ...