A Belated Update: Getting Diagnosed with Narcolepsy

As a little girl, I always identified with Sleeping Beauty, the Disney princess. Not only do I love animals, but I LOVE sleep. Trust me, there are few who enjoy a good nap and sleeping at least 8 hours a night as much as I do. As a student in college, my roommates were astounded at how much I slept and even worried there was something wrong with me. The fairy tale kept getting better when I met and married my own Prince Philip (the name of Sleeping Beauty's Prince). Little did I know that 5 years into my happily ever after, my Philip would become the real sleeping beauty, or rather sleeping handsome. Philip was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. The irony of my situation still humors me. Life as a wife of a person with narcolepsy has been anything but easy, and at times "happily ever after" has seemed impossible. But, we are surviving and slowly learning to live with this life-changing disability. I've wanted to write a post for a while now, but it is hard to write anyth...