Welcome to the World Landon Kawika

From the beginning, even before I really wanted to have another child, I knew that it was time to start trying. I had the impression that it would be a boy, and the name Kawika was imprinted in my mind as his name. I guess it was meant to be, because with my first, Emma, it took a few months to get pregnant, but with Kawika we got pregnant quickly. I'm sorry to say that at first I wasn't all that excited. I knew it was right, but I was not ready to be pregnant again. Pregnancy is beautiful, but it is also hard, and this time I knew what I was getting myself into: nausea, trouble sleeping, weight gain, possibly bed rest (like with Emma's pregnancy), delivery, and oh yeah, a crazy two-year-old to add to the equation. Besides, I had dreams of starting a masters program while my husband was still pursuing his, and adding child #2 to the equation wouldn't make that dream very easy. So, there I was, pregnant with another child and not too optimistic about it. Well, s...