Since When Do I Have a Toddler?

Emma turned one on April 27th, 2013. It's crazy to think she is no longer the baby I used to cradle in my arms. Then again, she stopped wanting to be held in my arms a long time ago. She is SO independent. She wants to do everything by herself: sleeping, eating, crawling, exploring, etc... I had not realized Emma had grown so much until last week. Suddenly her face was no longer a baby face, her feet no longer fit those tiny socks or the same pair of shoes she's been wearing since she was 4-months-old, and her eyes, unlike a newborn, seemed bigger and open wider in exploration at almost every moment of the day. Even the weekly emails I receive updating me on my baby's progression started calling her a "toddler" instead of the baby I see her as. And the deal breaker of it all was that SHE decided that she was done with breastfeeding. Never mind that I had planned to slowly ween her off, maybe stopping at 18 months. I guess children are like that, ...